Basic Detoxification & Drainage Kit (Apo-hepat, Itires & Renelix/ 3 x 50ml drops) by BioResource Inc /Pekana




Homeopathic detoxification and drainage of the major organs of elimination. This whole-body homeopathic detoxification program is for the stimulation and detoxification of the liver, lymphatics, and kidneys.*




  • Apo-Hepat is the primary remedy for regulating and supporting normal liver function, which includes the vital actions of excretion, detoxification and metabolism. This medication also regulates gallbladder and pancreatic function.(click here for remedy details)*
  • Itires supports general lymphatic drainage and helps to resolve issues at lymph nodes. It is commonly used in acute infections as well as more serious chronic issues where foci of toxicity or infection needs to be downloaded. Itires is available in oral drops as well as in a topical ointment which can be applied directly on to areas of lymphatic stagnation and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Renelix supports Kidney drainage and regulation. It tends to have a soothing effect on the kidneys and should be used with virtually every patient during detoxification protocols. Practitioners have given feedback that they have seen EGFR and Creatinine* levels normalize with the use of this remedy. Since most toxic metals are excreted through the kidneys, Renelix should always be included in heavy metal chelation protocols.*

Directions & Warnings

All 3 homeopathic remedies: 15-20 drops 3 times per day directly, in liquid, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.


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